What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Ice Bowl???...shoot...it was Mud Bowl I today.
Crazy enough, a bunch of us showed up for a muddy game of football today. Last week it was light rain but solid playing field and today was no rain but muddy as hell playing field. It was pouring all day long though...but come time for football, it had stopped.
It was real nasty, but I had an awesome time. Again...I was a scoring machine, but disappointed cuz I dropped a couple deep passes that I should have had.
But I made up for all that with the game's final play. I went out for a short pass and after dancing around at one end of the field to avoid the defenders, I was able to find an opening and just took off to the other end of the field for the final score. We were winning anyways...so it didn't matter. But talk about ending the game with a bang. It was like Devin Hester returning a keep from deep in his end zone. Dang...that was great!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Slippery When Wet

Umm...sorry, the title is not meant to mean something perverted. It's just that today we were crazy enough to play football in the rain and none of us were catching a single catch cuz the ball would just slide right through our hands our right down our chest. It was the funniest thing. But after a while we were starting to catch on to catching the wet ball. Well...catching was one thing and then throwing was another.

Nevertheless, it was fun. The rain didn't come down so hard. It a nice mist throughout. And with the nice cold weather, it made for a great game.

And I had a great game. I lost count, but I think I nabbed at least 6 touchdowns. 3 of them on a catch and run type plays and 3 on deep passes.

I had a great one just barely beating out Eric for a deep pass. I was able to out run him when the ball came my way. His arm went up as he was trying to bat the ball away just as I began to leap up to catch the ball. We were still both on the run. My arms stretched out just enough to grab the ball as it sailed past Eric's hands. Just as soon as I came down, I was met by the soccer goal post that was there. Luckily I didn't hit the post, but I also came crashing through the net. That was funny, but an awesome catch! Then I celebrated by doing the body crash in mid air with Taft...hahaha.

It was a fun day overall. I'm not too tired as we were all careful not to break our ankles out there on the wet grass so none of us were playing at full speed.

And of course...I would do my airplane impression