What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Thursday, November 23, 2006

False Holiday Celebrations

Today is Thanksgiving day. Depending on how you're educated, Thanksgiving is such a false holiday. In fact, many holidays celebrated by America is a false celebration. I think America is just so bored that we need to have these holiday celebrations just to have something to do. Actually, we celebrate so many of these false holidays to better our economy. It's true. It's a way to get ppl to spend money...whether it's on traveling, food, gifts, or whatever...ppl spend with a blind eye on holidays. What I mean by a "false" celebration is that we celebrate the holiday without knowing its real meaning. For those that believe that Thanksgiving day is to celebrate the sharing of food b/w the Indians and Pilgrims...That's not completely true. Heck...it didn't even happen in November. It actually took place sometime in the spring season when the Pilgrims were able to have a successful harvest...thanks in part to the Indians who taught them how to harvest their crops. The Indians never had any part in harming the Pilgrims as we're taught in our textbooks. Do your research and you'll find out the truth.
So moving on...Thanksgiving day didn't exist until Lincoln was in office. After his death, ppl actually stopped celebrating it for sometime until it was passed into bill as a national holiday decades later. I don't remember how they choose November to celebrate, but I think it was because the bill for this holiday was passed on the last Thursday of November.
Another "false" holiday we celebrate is Columbus Day. Christopher Columbus!...a jerk in my book. We all know he was not the first to discover the Americas. The Chinese were the first to discover America. The reason history doesn't report it this way is because the Chinese are simply colonists and not conquerors like the Spanish. The Chinese never cared to learn where they landed. The just needed to know that they found a place where they could settle. Where as the Spanish needed to record everything they did. They needed to feel that they were powerful. So discovering new land was all out bragging rights for them. Of course that was then written into history by man because most Spanish were of the Christian faith and being that...they were able to control history and what was written in the books. The Chinese, at that time, had no place and importance in the world so it wouldn't have matter what they did. And another thing...don't think that Columbus came to the Americas making peace. He's not so much the honorable man that history has made him out to be. In fact, upon discovering the Americas, many Americans were murdered and women raped just so Columbus could take the land. Remember...the Spanish at that time had such modern artilleries. Guns, swords, bows...but most importantly...they had guns. Kills in an instant second. That's how they were able to bully others around. No others had guns or even knew what the weapon was at that time. So before you go honoring Columbus...just think of the ppl that were murdered and the women that were raped by his men.
Man...even Christmas is not true in its celebration. Valentine's day is another false holiday. Believe me...Valentine's day is really not about love, but instead death. But I won't get into that. It's not for the faint of heart.
Just remember that the next time you celebrate a holiday, you might be celebrating it all for the wrong reasons.
Well, with that said...Happy Thanksgiving! I'm just looking forward to eating lots.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

BP MS150

So it's official, I've committed myself to riding in the 2007 BPMS150 by signing up this past week. Not only do I have to ride 180 miles on a bicycle but also have to raise $400. That's going to be crazy. I can't even raise $100 for all the other charity events I do. I don't know how I'll raise $400. No doubt I'll try harder than I've ever done before.
The ride will be from Houston and finishing in Austin. I can't wait to have some friends out there to see me cross the finish line. It's going to be one of my biggest accomplishment if I can finish the race. I hope I do and will.

The BP MS 150 Bike Tour is a two-day cycling adventure from Houston to Austin that raises funds to help people living with MS.
...Thank you in advance for your interest and support!
E-Donate Link:

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Spider-Man 3

I just saw the trailer for Spider-Man 3 for the 2nd time...and I'll tell ya...I can't wait for the movie to come out. It looks so good. I can't wait!!!
One thing the trailer didn't show was Venom. He's going to be the best kept secret, I bet. I know this movie will be filled with CGI, but who cares!...it's Spider-Man...in the movies.
Sorry, I'm a Spider-Man geek. What can I say?!...he's my favorite comic superhero.

05-04-2007...go see it!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Vote 2006

Well, voting has come and go and it doesn't look like anybody that I voted for is going to win. Shows you how poor my judgement is...hehehe. Don't ever let me get involved in politics.
I'm really not one who care for politics, but I get sick and tired of ppl who always complains about how our government turns out, but when I ask them if they voted, they say no. Well, in my opinion, if you didn't vote, you need to just keep your mouth shut. You void all rights to complain when you have the rights to vot and you choose not to vote. I vote simple to allow myself the rights to bitch and complain if things don't turn out the way I want it to.
It was another pleasant experience though. The media is always making it sound like a painful experience, but it's really not.
It is difficult if you're not so computer savy. I had a neighbor who was having difficulty working the electronic machine and when her help came...the lady was a bitch. This poor asian lady barely knew english and was trying her best, but the white lady who was there to help seemed to be more trouble for the asian lady. The white lady had the worse of attitudes. She was like almost yelling at this asian lady. I wanted to bitch out this white lady, but I kept my cool. I just can't believe that a person would ever treat another person the way this white lady treated this asian lady. Don't get me wrong...I'm not mad cuz it happened to an asian lady...it could have been anyone. There's already a lack of voters in the minority communities and ppl like this white lady certainly doesn't help get the non-english speakers out to vote. If ppl want more voters, they're going to have to get better help. I would be so discourage to vote if I didn't know english and didn't know how to work electronics, I certainly wouldn't ever vote again if I had to deal with ppl like her.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tex Ren Fest

Man...this will be the last time I go to the Tex Ren Fest. I already agreed not to go this year. I've been there 3 times already and hadn't found anything to love about the place. Why I still went after the first year will always haunt me, but this year was a lil different. After being so set on not going this year, Carlos tells me that he and some buddies of his will be singing at the event. So now I'm thinking to go just to show support. Yes...that's what I'll do for friends...drive 2 hours just to see friends sing...sigh...
Well, the day didn't start off too well. I was stuck in major traffic so that just irritate me more. It's already bad enough to have to drive that far and to a place I already hate, but then to get stuck in traffic on the way there....I was doomed from the beginning. No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't get hyped for this day. Then when I get there, I run into some old friends from highschool...the last thing I wanted. So we stood there and talked for a while. I tried to hurry things up cuz I didn't really want to have to tell to much of myself. Everything in between went alright...up until the moment I left and went to my car. I had forgotten where I parked so it took me like 15 mins to find my car in that unlighted woods. Then the worse was to happen. In a lil over 1 hour and 30 mins...my car didn't move all but about 30 feet. The parking lot was jammed for the longest time. It was unbelievable. I've never seen such traffic jam. Even the traffic in NY moves faster. All because of this...I will never go back to the Ren Fest. That's just ridiculous that there's not a better plan in place to move traffic. Damn small town ppl...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Sting of Good Luck

I don't know what's going on this week, but I've been having a lot of good luck this week. First, I win an iPod. Second, I'm getting hit on by this girl at work. And third, I just got back from shopping and found myself great deals all night long.
Ok...let me start with the iPod. On Wednesday, our company had a health fair and the deal is that the employees have to visit all the booth and get our card stamped, saying that we visited the booth, so we could be entered into a drawing for prizes. Well, I visited every booth and turned in my card, but didn't make it out to see the drawing that took place later on in the day cuz I got busy with work. That afternoon Henry and Adame comes into my office and congratulates me on winning an iPod. Knowing that these two are pranksters...I immediately said..."Get the hell out of my office. That's a sick joke." After a few laughs, they left. I still hadn't believed them. Then Keri walks into the office to congratulate me. Ok...I'm starting to believe now...but not fully. Then I run into Tim yesterday and then he congratulated me. Ok...I'm really starting to believe. Well, turns out that I really did win. An email was sent out today listing all the winners and there I saw my name...under the iPod Nano. How awesome! I never thought I would win. I've never won anything to this magnitude before so I'm so excited! Since I missed the prize presentation, I have to wait until Monday to get my prize. Well, the prize does comes with just a lil disappointment. Earlier that day...Betty kept saying that she would win one of the iPods and that I would win the second one. I feel terrible that she didn't win. I gave her a keychain from the fair, but I can't give her the iPod....I want this one! I don't know...maybe I'll take her out for a nice dinner or something. I feel so bad that she didn't win anything.
Ok...so this leads me right to my second whip of luck. Ok...maybe this one is not so much about luck...but it's certainly a positive and flattering moment. Speaking of Betty...here's a lil introduction to her. She's this pretty hot looking intern from Colombia that many guys have been jocking. We've hanged out a few times and she seems to be warming up to me. That's all anyone needs to know for right now. Well today at lunch she was so flirtatous with me. I think everyone saw too. I told her about how I won the iPod and that I was afraid to tell her cuz I knew she would be mad at me...but she wasn't. She started telling me about how she needs to go shopping today to buy 2 cameras and 2 iPods....stuff for her family, dad, and boyfriend. We all were in ooo and ahhs. Then she leans over to me and says..."See...you need a girlfriend like me." Whoa!...did she just make a pass at me?! I'm thinking...cool... But then not so much cuz I don't want ppl to start thinking things...especially work ppl. The last thing I want is to mix business with pleasure. That's just one of the rules I set for myself. If she wasn't from work, I wouldn't mind hooking up cuz I think we look really good together, but it's best I leave things alone. So after she said that to me...I wasn't quick to say anything cuz I didn't want to escalade that conversation. I just laughed it off.
Ok...so onto the latest. I went to Macy's tonight trying to find a nice coat to wear for when I go to Paris. Man...was I ever so lucky. I found two really nice jackets that had my size. And not only that, but it fitted me so well. Yes it was a lil expensive, but I got some additional discounts so that was like icing on the cake. But to really top things off, my mom was able to find two jackets that had her size. One was a leather jacket and the other was like a wool coat. Yes...a lil expensive, but definitely worth it seeing how much she liked that leather jacket. I initially didn't get any additional discounts for the jackets, but then I decided to go back to the lady that rang me up for my jackets to ask her why my mom's jackets didn't get any additional discounts. Well, she ended up giving me an addition 10% off. How awesome!
Well, with all these good things that happened, I'm sure something bad will happen soon. You know...ying and yang. I'm so skeptical to this. Now I'll constantly be looking over my shoulders until something bad happens. I just can't believe that I had such good luck without having some sort of reprecussion. I just know something is going to happen to offset this good luck string of mine. It always comes back to collect.