What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Jury Duty

So I reported for jury duty today and when I walked into the assembly room there was this beautiful girl sitting just at the end of the row, but I had been walking behind a few ppl so I didn't expect to see her until I was there. I was able to get in a smile to her and to receive hers in return. But it was too late for me to try to grab a seat next to her. So instead, I sat two rows behind hoping that she'd be called in the same group as me the entire time.
I'm not sure what she was, but I'm thinking hispanic somehow just from the way she had her hair done. She was very light skinned though. She was of a very thin and petite build with short body waved brown-reddish hair. Obviously colored cuz I could see she had brown roots. Anyhow...she was about the cutest thing that has really captured my attention in a while. She didn't look just like another plain Jane, but something about her just made her look really fresh. I know that's a weird way to describe someone, but that's what kept going through my mind. She looked so alive and just so different from what I'm used to seeing I guess...
Well...as we all sat in that assembly room, I just kept hoping that we'd be in the same group so I could talk to her. I was for real on this one. I was not going to let another opportunity go by. But I never got that second opportunity. I was called out before she was and was never able to catch up with her after. Man...this was one that I wish I'd have back. I don't normally wish that...I'm usually good at letting things go, but I really would like to have this one back so I could have gone back and sat next to her.
So back to the jury duty...I wasn't selected cuz I honestly couldn't be fair in the particular trail. It involved doctors and lawsuit and I hated both. I already have that predetermination in my mind so I thought it would have been best to take myself out. Whew!!!...dodged another jury selection. But dang if that girl wasn't so cute!!!


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