What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Chinese New Years

It's a new year...well, for us Chinese folks it is. I'm not so big on this one, but I do try to keep up with the tradition of it. There's certain superstitions that I follow to have a good year. One of the superstition I believe in is on the first day of the new year, the luck of the first person to enter your home follows you for the entire you. The only reason I believe in this is because one year, one of my uncle was the first to enter our house and that year, we had unbelievably bad luck the whole year.
Something that we started doing to avoid having a person with bad luck enter our house first is to do it ourselves. My parents always think I'm good luck so they'll have me walk out the house for a few feet in a certain direction (according to the year and how the stars line up with my birthdate) and then return home and be the first to enter the house. I have to say...for the last 3 years that we've done this, nothing majorly bad has happened. Knock on wood of course, but it hasn't failed yet.
So this year we're doing it again. Last year I went with my dad, but this year, my mom wants me to go solo...since she believes that my good attitude, happiness, and determination will prosper the family. I certainly hope so.
Here's a funny story that they told me about during dinner today. When I was a baby, we were in a jewerly store and I had a lil accident in my pants (#2 to be exact) while in the store. Well, at that time they didn't make diapers with the bands to keep everything inside...so one of my "gold nuggets" come loose and found the floor of the store...hahaha. My parents were apologizing to the owner, but the owner was not at all mad. She was in fact thrilled. Apparently it's good luck. ??? (I'm so confused at this moment) ??? It was good enough luck that she opened a second store and both stores are still in business today. I never knew that this could be such good luck...but apparently if that happens with babies...it's good luck.


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