What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Paris or Bust - Part 2

Could it be???...that finally I will be getting to go to Paris? At least they're giving me an actual date this time around and not just a month. I'm so excited. I'm expected to leave Sunday Oct 7. No flight has been booked, but they seem intent on this date. This will allow me to squeeze in my Komen Race for the Cure. I'm so happy too. I really didn't want to have to miss this. Especially not after this year after I've recruited so many of my friends to come along with me and share in my enthusiasm for this event.
But back to Paris. Looks like they are going to put me in a hotel close to the company campus in Clamart and not in Paris as my ex-manager wanted to place me. O well...not much I can do especially when they're paying the bills. I might end up stuck in the hotel after work hours only cuz I don't have a car and really wouldn't know my way around the town. I'm sure I'll make an effort to get out, but it won't be the same as if I had someone to show me around. Looks like my cousins and family are further away from Clamart that I initially thought so hooking up with them after work might be difficult. Since I have the weekend there to enjoy, I think I'll hook up with them then and hopefully have a place to stay there so I don't have to worry about the hotel bill.
I hope I can have everything booked by the end of this week so I can finally say that I'm going this time.
So many things seem to be happening in the month of October. Going to Paris will also mean that I will have to miss my 5 year seniority dinner. What a shame! But I guess I'll be celebrating in Paris. How cool is that?! Excellent in deed! But I will also have to miss out on an opportunity to go back to UH to recruit. I was to help out Mary, but can't now. Man...I can't believe that when nothing is going on....nothing occurs. But whenever there's something going on...seems like everything is going on. I hate that!


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