What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Game ? vs. Blue Wave A

It was about the most fun game our team has had. We had a late game last night and as we were waiting for the current game to end, it started to sprinkle on us. The rain has just been overwhelming lately. But luckily it did not pour. The sprinkle didn't stay long though. We were able to start our game and we really only needed 2 inning to finish the game. The 1st inning went by rather quick. We emptied our entire lineup and scored 5 runs. The 2nd inning was an inning for the record books really. It was a long long inning for the opposing team. We emptied the entire lineup twice...scored like 20 runs. We almost emptied it 3 times, but got halfway through the lineup and ended up getting that eluded 3rd out. During this 2nd inning...we had back-to-back homers thanks to Scott and Josh. We completely clobbered our component. I think final score was 25-5.
My performance was not so bad. I was 2 for 3. Even with the out...I felt good at bat cuz the entire team did not have any bad outs. All our outs were on some strong hits. It just happened to be line drives and was caught by the opposing team. It was not due to popups...those are worse. My out was on a line drive right to the pitcher. He got lucky though. He dropped his glove and the ball just happened to land in.
But the day was nice. Mary and Lily came out to watch me play. I'm glad I stepped up my game. I would never hear the end of it if I had a bad game. All Lily ever brought up when we were at dinner was hit that landed me and out and never even mentioned the hits I had out to center field. Funny how she just focuses on the negative. I guess that's to be expected of her. No surprise there really. Anyhow...the team definitely put on a show today. One word to summarize the game....Incredible!


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