What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Game ? vs. Wild Turkeys

Yeah, I have no idea what week we are in any longer. The rain really has taken a toll on this season's tournament. At least I can still remember the team we played against. That's as good as it's gonna get. Besides for those that played in the All-Star game, our team hadn't seen any action for about a month now due to all the rainouts that we've had. It could have been a bad thing, but our team picked up right where we left off. We emptied the entire bench in the 1st inning. We were practically unchallenged today. As usual, the game ended after the 3rd inning due to the run rule. Since we kept them scoreless, the final score must have at least 15-0.
It was an incredible day for Scott and I. We both had homers...only that mine was an in-the-park homerun. Scott knocked one out of the park for a 2-run homer. Man...he knocked the crap out of that ball. The instant the ball came off his bat, we all knew it was gone...and sure enough...it was long gone. That happened in the 2nd inning. Later in that inning, I put one b/w center and right in the outfield and the ball took some nasty bounces out there that allowed me to run the entire diamond. I was a lil lucky coming home though. The throw made it home, but their catcher couldn't make the catch, so I got by just barely. That was awesome cuz Christina was ahead of me so it was another 2-run homer. Excellent! :)
I guess I never realize it before, but Scott was very impressed with my on-base percentage and made it a point to tell that to me. He was like..."man...you never seem to miss when you're at bat. I can't remember a time when you're not on base...". That was nice...but I'll never be able to knock one out of the park or make crazy catches the way he does. But it's all good...as long as the team is winning, I don't care what I do or don't do. But I think he's much more impressive at the plate than I will ever be. I'm just more of a consistant player.

So on to the second game of the day. Carlos' team were needed some players so I got a couple of my teammates to help out. This game was so exciting. We started off really well. The team was able to empty the bench in the 1st inning. So far so good, but the other team quickly came back. The scoring was pretty much even throughout the whole game. In the final inning, we were up by 3, but they were last to bat and scored 1 with 1 out. Well, that didn't last long cuz we pulled off a double play to end the game. The hit was to 3rd...the 3rd base guy tagged the runner out and immediately threw the ball to Amy at 1st to beat the tag...and it was over. Carlos' team finally got their first 1 of the season...well...in 2 seasons.
There were many funny events that took place during this game and unfortunately I was involved in all of them. First off...I was the last batter in the lineup and b/c we didn't have 2 girls on the team, we would received an out after I bat. Well, I came up to bat with 2 outs...so no matter what happens I would have to keep running the bases until they throw me out. Well...I remembered to do so, but when I rounded 2nd...I total forgot to keep going so after the play stopped we received our 3rd out. Everyone was laughing and kind of pissed at the same time cuz they were all yelling for me to keep going and I totally just forgot. Man...that was embarassing. I'm sure they were all thinking...what a dumbass. Well, whatever...it was funny though...we all had a good laugh out of it. Then on defense...a ball came to the outfield and b/c of the high grass...it got completely lost...and when I went to pick it up with my glove...it wouldn't come up so I had to go in with my bare hands to get it out. It was so funny cuz the other guy out there with me saw and was just laughing. But funniest of them all was when I was up to bat, I popped one down the right field sideline and it just fell outside the foul line so with the next pitch I aimed for the same spot, but when I went to swing, I completely missed the ball and struck out. Well, we had already 1 out...so with me striking out...that was 2 and cuz I was last at bat and no girl, we had to take our 3rd out. So I caused the team 2 outs in a row. Although that's not entirely my fault...everyone had to laugh about it. I admit though...it was very funny. I still can't believe I struck out. What a bummer :(
Well, nevertheless...we won the game so I was a happy camper. I had so much fun today. Great laughs especially and an in-the-park homer...can't be any better.


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