What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bastille Day Party

Yesterday I spent the day at my former boss' ranch to celebrate France's independence day. His annual Bastille Day party is an event where lots of ppl come to and where there's plenty of food, drinks, beers, and heat. He usually invites co-workers, neighbors from around the ranch and other friends of theirs. And of course friends and family are welcomed. I tried to get a couple of friends to come out, but they didn't really want to. o well...they missed out.
The day was a lil strange cuz it was raining all morning long here in Houston so I was worried cuz the rain was coming from the west...and his ranch is out near Sealy. Well, good thing that the rain hit them earlier in the day and so the party was still a go. The weather was not so bad. Yes it was hot and humid, but there was a nice breeze going so it wasn't as bad as the previous years.
The party was fun as usual. It never disappoints. I even tried playing soccer after all the guys dragged me into it. It was fun. I scored 2 goals so I was happy. I was a terrible goalkeeper though. Never let me do that again...hahaha. But one thing that is always a tradition is a good game of volleyball and I missed out this year. For whatever reason, I just wasn't in the mood to be active. I think the heat just got to me.
But I couldn't have been any worse than the two girls (whose name I won't mention)...but they sat on the bench all day long doing nothing but eating and talking. I must say...it was a lil disgusting watching them do nothing but eat all day long without ever getting up to move around. It really was like gluttony. It's no wonder why they have put on so much weight. And yet they complain about how out of shape they are. Geez...it's no wonder. If you get up off the bench once in a while and stop eating every minute...it might help. Gosh...I've never been so disgusted. I would get up to walk around and talk to other ppl and when I'd come back to the table, I would see a different plate of food on the table. I couldn't help but to think...what the heck happened to the plate of food that was here just 10 mins ago?...there's already another plate? Gosh...if you're going to eat this much, at least make an effort to work out and stay in shape. Again...I must say...the weight they have put on is unflattering. It's kind of all in the wrong place too. Ok...I'm sorry to sound so insensitive, but really...if you're going to do this...then you really should never bring up why you are putting on so much weight. I guess that's my main point to this. Don't bitch and complain about something if you know you are in the wrong and are making no efforts to better the situation.
Anyhow...besides from this...I still love girls who can eat, but I guess I better choose my words carefully cuz this one kind of came back to kick me in the ass. I should really say that I love girls who are not afraid to eat and when they do actually eat, not to eat excessively.
Well...it'll be another year before this happy event will take place. I hope I continue to be invited to this. I always have a good time out there. It's always like a big happy family. I always feel so at home with the ppl there. It's great.


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