What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Good Friend Are So Hard To Find

Tonight I went to a fundraising to benefit the son of a lady I work with. He was just recently diagnosed with Leukemia. It happened just after the Ft. Bend Expedition bike ride to raise money for the Ft. Bend school district. How funny that he was helping a good cause and now this happens to him. Well...he felt funny after the ride and when he went to get himself checked out...that's when he learned of his problem. His mother is a good friend of mine from work and I had never actually met the guy, until tonight, but we did speak by email as I introduced him to the cycling club. It was his goal to do the MS150 this year, but hopefully he'll be back in full force next year to do it.
It was really a different experience for me to be at an event like this. It took place in the Heights at an art gallery. Everyone was dressed really nicely. It's really not my thing to be dressed up and in an upscale area. Not that ppl there were any better or anything like that...not by any means, but I can't help to always feel out of place knowing that more than half of the ppl there only care about how they look and such. But I had a nice time. I met a few ppl considering that I didn't really know many ppl there.
But the thing that got to me the most was that this event was thrown by many of the guy's friends. I was in aww just knowing that he had this many ppl who cared about him. I totally admire him for that cuz you know that he must have touch ppl somewhere and somehow along his life for ppl to care so much that they would go through the trouble to hold this event for him. That really made me think about things and about if I were to ever go through what he is going through...would my friends ever do this for me? And sadly enough...the answer would be no. And a simple no is nicely putting it. It's more like a big fat HELL NO!. I'm really sad to know how shitty my friends are when all I have done was be a good friend to them. I'm totally hanging with the wrong crowd and I can't seem to ever get away and find friends that will be with me for life. I do have a few friends that I know will come through for me, but even then...I'm not sure if they will ever care to that level. I really don't know what I've done in life to not have good friends or just good ppl around me. These days...they all seem to be ppl who are jealous of me and want to see me fall. Isn't this high school shit?! I thought ppl would grow out of this phase, but I guess not. All I have ever been was a friend who always cheered on their friends. I'm always happy for them and want to celebrate them in their victories or achievements, but when it's something I've achieved...I get absolutely no words of encouragement, but instead I get fake acts of happiness from them.
Man...I need to start re-evaluating my friends. Sad but true. It's never a two-way street with my friends. I feel like I'm on a one-way street going nowhere and nobody is willing to meet me half way. And even when I do go the extra mile...they never seem to return the favor.
I'm so lucky at the same time to have found some really good ppl that I know will be with me for life. I hope I don't have to eat these words later.


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