What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Better Than Me?

So Lily think she's better than me now...hahaha. That's so funny!
She's been really annoying as of lately and now she has topped herself with me. All of a sudden she's been into sports and keeping active. Maybe she's been influenced by me? Certainly not any of my doing. I could care less to motivate her to get off her lazy ass to actually do something. My efforts would just be wasted with her as it was with Justin.
We met up yesterday to go to the Astros game with Mary. And believe me...I would not have been going if it weren't for Mary wanting to go. I would not want to be stuck alone with Lily ever again. I'll get into why she's been so annoying lately later. But as we were at the coffee shop waiting for Mary...she tells me that a friend is buying her a bicycle. Shiii....that friend must really like her. Anyhow...so I clowned her for wanting to bike ride. Then she says to me...and I quote..."if you can do it...I can too". HAHAHAHA!!!! I've never laughed so hard on the inside. C'mon...when and where was that comment necessary in our conversation? Nowhere in my teasing of her did I come close to even hinting that she couldn't do it. That comment in itself just tells me how really jealous she is of me. And might I mention how irrelevant that quote really is. Anybody can bike ride. People with no legs can still bike ride....they just use their arms and sit on specially made bikes.
Screw her and that comment of hers. She's got this thing in her head that won't allow her to think that she's actually not better than me...today, yesterday, years ago...and probably not ever! Since the college days...she has always believed that she was better than me. Every time we would get our test results, I would always do better than her. And I had no clue she was keeping tabs cuz one day she said out loud that she can't believe that I was always doing better than her on the tests. She would also claim how much better she is than me in pool. Well...one day I finally took her up on her challenge and played her. Well...it was just embarrassing cuz even with me letting her win...she couldn't. I beat her 5 out of 5 games. She kept asking for her ass to be kicked cuz I wanted to walk away after the 3rd game...but she kept wanting to beat me. Even with me noticeably not trying anymore, she still couldn't beat me. Then I made a huge mistake a couple of years back when I told her how much I made just to shut her up from her nagging me about how much I made...our friendship quickly died away for me. Since then...every time we have gotten together...she never fails to mention how much money I have. And she sure didn't disappoint last night at the game neither. She must of mentioned how much money I have about 5 times. That's giving her the benefit of the doubt cuz I honestly stopped counting and paying attention to her after a while. Gosh...I can NOT stand her anymore. Not to also mention how she looked down on me for having a long distance relationship. And guess what?! She's now in a long distance relationship. HA! I basically spitted in her face for that one. I called her out like the lil bitch that she is for looking down on my relationship when she's now doing the same. What a fu-kin hypocrite!
Anyhow...now she wants to participate in the Komen Race with me and Mary. All I can say is...FU-K that! She was there when I invited her and Mary to do it with me this year and Mary enthusiastically welcomed the invite while she just laughed it off. We'll see just how well she survives. It's not like it's even much of a challenge. 5K is nothing. And you don't even have to run...you can walk. She's got it in her head that it's some big race that she's got to beat me in. Hahaha. I could go there and walk the whole way and wouldn't care if she ran her heart out. She's just a dumbass for thinking all that crap that she does.


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