What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Friday, July 06, 2007

In Need of a Vacation

I'm so tired from work. I've been putting in crazy hours this past month that I'm completely exhausted. I fill like my brain is completely dead. I don't think I'm cut out to work so many hours. But at the same time, I can't let my project down. I don't have it in my personality to just not do it. My days have consisted of coming home after hours, having dinner, watch a lil tv, and then hoping onto my computer to do work. It really sucks cuz I said that I would never become the person that works so much that they neglect everything around them and sadly enough...I have turned into that person. But I hope this will not be an on going thing. I'll put up with it until this project is released and done with. Then hopefully I could get back to my old schedule of finding time to work out, play some basketball, and running. Right now, my only extra curricular activity is softball. If they take that away from me...I will explode. I really need my sports. That's like my only get-away from life. I guess I just appreciate it more now that my body hasn't seen sunlight for so long...hahaha. I'm just not for ppl working more than 40 hours per week. It's just not right. It's bad too cuz I love what I'm doing. I can't imagine if I was doing something I didn't love. How would I feel then? Geez...I would be even more miserable. There's a limit you know? That's just with everything though. Life needs to be balanced!


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