What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Media Gone Wild

I say blame the media for the fucked up society we have! The media is always reporting that blame should be placed on others, but I say it's time for them to shut the f--k up, bend over, and take it up the ass for why our society is so messed up. Have you noticed that there's nothing but bad and negative things on the news? It's been that way for years now! It seems that it's all we know of this world. Ppl adapt quickly to the environment, so when all the media is doing is focusing on negative things, it desensitizes the public. At the same time it makes us all so sensitive. Sensitive to everything cuz the media completely scrutinize every lil thing.
The media does nothing but lie. All for ratings cuz no story is really ever that interesting to tell. So to capture the audience they turn an argument b/w two ppl to two druken ppl creating a disturbance in the neighborhood. That's bull. And for the media to say that they are only giving ppl what the ppl want???...that's total bs too. They...themselves enjoy the drama they create cuz they know they will get high ratings. Sure...that's the name of the game, but at what cost? Look at our society. We have lil girls looking up to girls like Paris, Nicole, Lindsey, and Britney. Why should anybody look up to these rugrats? Lil girls do cuz that's all that they ever see everytime they turn on the TV and radio. If all the media were showing and talking about good girls...lil girls would want to be that way...simply cuz young ppl are so influencial. They'll be any way to get attention. And this is what the media has created. A frenzy of influencial ppl making up our society. We've all sunken so low that we would embarrass and humiliate ourselves for a few hundred dollars...even if that.
It's time the media stop blaming parents for the mistakes of their f--ked up child and start blaming themselves. Our society will only know and see what they report. They need to be more responsible and start being right by changing their ways...as a whole...as a community...to change our society. All we ever want to do is to push the limit on everything. Decades ago...seeing sex and violence on TV was nonexisting. Today...it has created an environment for our children to copy and to go act out these acts they see on TV. Sure...it's also the parents that needs to be involved...but again...we only see what the media is showing and talking about.
America really has gone south and really are below other societies. We are like the white trash of the world. We have no sense of morals anymore. It's sad cuz we really are no better than animals. We go chasing after anything that shines.


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