What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Friday, August 03, 2007

Game ? vs. Motley Blue

It was another great outting for our team and another great outting for me. I played two games today. After our game, I stayed back to help my friend's team, but they ended having enough players and the other team ended up being short, so I went to help out the other team. I think they were the Bad News Bears.
Well, back to my game with my team. It was also about the longest game we've played in a while. This one actually lasted 5 innings and not the usual 3. At one point, the game was quite close...15-11 with us leading. But that lead would explode in the 5th. We emptied our bench scoring at least 10 more runs before the game was called due to time. Scott nailed in another homer...this one went for a 2-run homer. I continued to get on base every time at bat. I was 3 for 3. Once again, I was at the bottom of the line up missing one girl so once again I had to run the complete base. I was eventually tagged out at 3rd, but I got there rather quickly. I even surprised myself.
In the second game, the original team I was suppose to help out kicked me out cuz they already had enough player so I went to help the other team. It would have been nice to have helped out that team though. They had some cute looking girls. Anyways...one of the girl on that team even begged for me to stay, but then I wouldn't have had a spot on the lineup so it made no sense. Anyways...we ended up clobbering the team. I don't remember the final score but it was like 25-5. We had a hitting feast against the team. I was again 3 for 3. O...but I have to mention...they had a girl on their team that had a bullet for an arm. The girl could play! Too bad she's not on our team.


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