What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Sunday, July 30, 2006

What's So Good About Cali?

First off...I hate Cali! I find that ppl over there are lazy, materialistic, superficial and stuckup. Ok...I know that's a stereotype, but ppl there certainly don't help to fix that image. Anyhow...really...what's so good about Cali that is making ppl want to move out there?! I know 2 girls who have moved out there. And now my sis wants to move out there. What do these 3 girls have in common? All to be with their bfs. Is that enough motivation to want to move to Cali? Or is there more to Cali?
My 2 friends moved out there without jobs lined up for them. I guess they just wanted to be with their bfs that badly. My sis wants to move there to be with her bf as well, but her real reason for going is so she can help him take over his family business. Yeah...it's like the blind leading the blind. I don't get the craze. I would say that maybe it's the weather, but that can't be true. According to the news, it's scorchering out there.
Well, for whatever reason it is...I hope they find it worth it. The last thing I need to hear is that their bfs dumped them and they're on their way back to Houston. Screw the west coast...it's east coast all the way!


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