What You Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Lesson Learned

Before leaving work and getting out to the softball field, I stuffed down two McDonald's apple pie and a can of Coke cuz I was so hungry and knew that I needed to put something in my system before going to play. Man!...that'll be the last time I chug a can of Coke before playing anything. The whole time playing softball, I had this incredible burning sensation that ran through my chest. It felt so bad! It's probably all that carbonation kicking in. Dang...it fizzled all inside my body....hahaha. Sure I laugh about it now, but playing with a burning chest sucks!
I kept burping the whole time. It was a lil embarrassing cuz when I was playing for my friend's team, I was out at right center with this pretty looking girl from the team. My burps were pretty loud. She heard a couple of them and laughed. I'm glad she enjoyed it, but I hope she doesn't think I was doing that to be funny. I think it was a lil rude on my part, but I had to get it out of me otherwise my chest would have bothered me too much to play. I told her that would be the last time I drink a Coke before playing and she laughed so I think she understood. I hope so.
Man...my chest is still burning! I think I'm gonna slowly give up drinking sodas.


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