Postcard From An Old Friend
I thought it would never happen. I finally heard from a friend who left civilization to and went into hiding...well, not really. But he did leave civilization to study to become a priest in his religion. Don't ask me what it's some Indian religion. There's so many of them... Well, just this week a friend gave me a postcard that was addressed to me. It was my friend Hitesh.'s Jay now. His name had to change...I guess it was part of the territory. Well, he's been inducted to the monistary so I was very happy for him. I never really thought that he would write to us. I thought he had to let everything go, but I was wrong. I hope he keeps writing cuz I enjoy writing back. I can't image being in a place where there's no electronics, no modern technology, no girls, and just a bunch of guys roaming around in the halls.
At 7:56 AM,
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At 2:44 AM,
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At 2:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 7:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 8:18 AM,
halfhigh said…
Who are you...anonymous person?!
What's so great about my site anyways? Thanks for bookmarking mine, but how about sharing yours? I promise to bookmark yours if you share.
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